October 1, 2018

Backcountry Camping Meals for Kids

By: Kaily Gashi

As parents of Twins, our family version of backpacking is a little different from the norm. In our case, we both need to carry a Twin and our gear as well. The best way for us to backpack as a family is to either paddle by canoe to a remote campsite or to bring an extra friend along. Backpacking by canoe allows us to bring a cooler along. This helps us be a bit more creative with our backpacking meals.  There are three tips that I would like to share with you all when preparing backcountry meals for kids. 

  1. Preparation is key! We prepare everything we can at home. It allows us to spend less time cooking and more time keeping a close eye on your little ones.
  2. Try to balance your idea of a nutritious meal with your kids idea of a “nutritious meal.” In other words, bring food you know they already enjoy eating. 
  3. Prepare Quick and easy meals. It will help reduce the stress of feeding hungry belly’s when the kiddos are putting the pressure on! 

Backpacking Breakfast for Kids

I like to keep breakfast simple in the backcountry. Our Twin’s are still working on their patience after all.  A big hit for breakfast is pancakes. I prepared the batter in a bag or a mason jar. That way you just add water, shake or stir and it is ready to go! I bought a small bottle of Maple Syrup and fresh berries to take along too. 

If we are camping by canoe, we fill our cooler with a more comforting camp breakfast such as bacon, eggs and toast!

Backpacking Lunch for Kids 

In the past, the kids enjoyed eating Mac and Cheese for lunch.  I often add a cut up pan fried sausage or hot dog in for extra protein and flavor. Its easy to boil water and stir everything together.

We are always a bit tired the first day from packing our gear in. I often prepare sandwiches at home the evening before. A sandwich is a quick way to ease the hunger before we start dinner. 

Backpacking Dinner for Kids 

Our family’s go to backcountry dinner is Marinara sauce with spaghetti. You can prepare the sauce the day before or buy it in a jar. It is easy to boil water and the spaghetti cooks quickly. If we are reaching our destination by canoe, I like to prepare marinated chicken skewers with veggies the night before. They are easy to pan fry and taste great with rice as well.

Backpacking Snacks for Kids 

One of our family’s favorite snacks is Trail mix with dried fruit. Raisons in a box are a hit. I usually try to cut up their favorite veggies in a plastic bag as well. Then there’s my homemade banana chocolate chip muffins. Muffins are another great finger food that your kids will love to pick at. One more important thing to remember when making meals in the backcountry is picking up after yourself. This is a great opportunity to practice “leave no trace” with your little ones. It can be difficult to pack minimal when you are eager to make your own backcountry camping meals for your kids. I always try to pack in the least amount of garbage as possible and always bring a plastic bag or two to carry it all out as well.

Tagged Food