March 3, 2022

Why I Thru Hike

There’s something special about walking to the unknown, where every day brings a different challenge. Just as every night brings a new sense of fulfillment, as you cozy up in your quilt after a long day of walking.

Whether you’re hiker trash or aspiring hiker trash, I will make sure you leave this blog with zero blisters, all of the views, trail magic, and of course some town food.

How will I do that? Well I’m going to tell you the reasons I love thru hiking and hope some of my reasons might resonate with you. I’ll break it down into three broad areas of thru hiking that I love.

The first area being the most obvious to me. The friendships you come across along the way are the kinds that have potential to last a lifetime. It’s hard not to form such strong bonds with all of the experiences you’ll share on trail. I’m talking from other hikers to the AMAZING trail angels who look after the trail and hikers.

Hiking can also be used as a way to challenge yourself, your body, and break through your comfort zone. Physically, mentally, socially, if you’re thru hiking you’re going to impress yourself one way or another. It wouldn’t be surprising to see a lot of growth over time.

The last reason I love thru hiking that I’ll talk about is arguably the most important. Being dirty and trashy. I will leave it open to interpretation but being extra trashy in the backcountry is not to be underestimated. It’s a mindset thing, and adds to the experience.

I hope you got something out of my goofy blog. If you want to follow along on my thru hikes this season you can follow me on Instagram @_zacdee_.